Friday, April 15, 2011

I Love Lamp

I'm back! Sorry for my silence the past few days. We are playing the waiting game. The granite comes tomorrow so not much can be done until that is installed. Not to worry, there have been multiple trips to Lowe's and Home Depot. And I continue to paint a little every night. And Jeremy's been using his compressor (he has too many toys) to install the base boards. So there has definitely been some progress in these parts, just nothing that's been blog-worthy.

Last night, however, I finally tackled the eat-in kitchen drum light. Since I put the pendent lighting together so seamlessly, I was in charge of the drum light. Eek! I despise putting things together, and I avoid stores like Ikea for that very reason. And lighting? Forget it, it's totally intimidating. I don't do well with wires.  Jeremy gave me a dose of tough love and told me to suck it up and get 'er done. So I did. And guess what? It wasn't too bad despite the horrible directions.

It took me less than hour to put everything together. Next up, we had to hang the darn thing. It was a two man operation to hook up the power and hang the light from the ceiling but we did it in record time (maybe 10 minutes). This was our final electrical project and it had definitely been our smoothest to date. We're getting good! I ran downstairs to turn the circuit breaker back on, the final step. As soon as I flipped the switch I heard a loud pop. And just like that, our light went black. So much for our first smooth project.

I had installed 4 75-watt bulbs as instructed. We were afraid that it was too much power and that we zapped our $300 light. After some investigating we determined we had actually zapped the light switch (a much less expensive mistake, thank God!). We swapped in a new switch and voila: we had light!
Bruins in the background because God forbid we have a sports-free night.

And here it is relative to the table. We're getting a new table (maybe today if Craigslist pulls through) but this gives you an idea of how it looks.

I spy Summer.

So that's the story of our drum light. Of all of the projects I've worked on in the past six weeks, this is the one I'm proudest of. It wasn't physically challenging but I had to get over my own inhibitions and I actually surprised myself by being able to complete without any help or tears. A small victory!

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