Monday, March 7, 2011

The Kitchen: Before

We were scheduled to start “light” demolition on the kitchen this past weekend. According to Jeremy, that included pulling up baseboards and taking a small patch of the ceiling to see how that process would work. We were out of town Friday and Saturday so this was going to happen on Sunday.
I knew I was in trouble on Thursday night when Jeremy took a hammer to the hall wall while I was making dinner. I left the shrimp scampi to simmer and scurried around to snap our official “before” pictures. My apologies that I didn’t have a chance to clean up a bit before these were taken.
The kitchen looks perfectly fine in these pictures. White cabinets, nice hardware, newer appliances. But, these pictures are somewhat deceiving. These cabinets are original to the house (which was built in the 70s). The cabinets have been painted but they really aren’t very functional. Plus, the actually kitchen is SMALL. And our living room, which we never use, is HUGE. Our plan is to knock out the bathroom and extend the kitchen. The bathroom and a walk-in pantry are being added to the back half of our existing living room.
Ok, so here are the befores:
I think this is pretty self-explanatory.

Alternate view. You can see the eat-in portion behind the stove.

Yet another alternate view. This is looking into the kitchen from the eat-in area.
Sorry for the mess! This is the view from the family room into the kitchen. You can see a pantry to the left of the table.
And here's a shot of the pantry.

And there's the bathroom wall Jeremy ripped down while I was making dinner. The new kitchen is going to extend all of the way to that back wall. We'll be living large!

Tomorrow I'll share some photos from the rest of the weekend's demolition. Teaser: we ripped out the ceiling, opened up the wall into the living room, tore out the pantry, and removed cabinetry from the bathroom.

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