Friday, May 13, 2011

Propane Woes

Hello! This post was scheduled for this morning but Blogger had a little this afternoon it is!

So, I should know better than to promise big reveals because they never seem to work out the way I plan. The good news? The propane tank has been installed and passed inspection. The bad news? They can't come back to hook it up until next Thursday. So for the next week we're a two stove family. Sorry to leave you hanging!

We're pretty annoyed by the whole propane process. Up until this point, we had a done a good job-- if I do say so myself-- of keeping on schedule. One of Jeremy's many strengths is his project managing skills. We worked from a master schedule which we consulted daily and we often had to get creative to maintain said schedule. I think we did pretty well considering we had to accommodate various contractors' schedules, and construction projects are notoriously behind schedule. Things slipped by a week or two but we basically finished up when we expected to...with the exception of the propane installation.

But see that last item? We're almost a full month behind schedule, and that is so annoying! The propane company we're using is so s-l-o-w. It took them a week to send out their sales rep, another 4 days for propane installation, another 2 days to set up the inspection, and then a full week to come back and hook everything up. There's not much we can do but whine on our blog. So whine I will!

Hopefully I'll be sharing the final kitchen reveal a week from today! Cross your fingers for us. In the mean time, let me know if you have any topics you'd like to hear more about. Our Craigslist adventures? Family room reno? First meals cooked in the new kitchen? These are some of the ideas I'm kicking around so let me know if you'd like to hear about any of them.

Have a great weekend!

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